Friday14 March 2025

After a brief break, a prominent club returned from training in the UAE and faced a surprising defeat in a friendly match. The final score? A stunning 2-0 loss that left fans in shock! Di...

After returning from a training camp in the UAE, the Dynamo club in Tashkent has resumed its training sessions following a brief break. The team played a friendly match against Lokomotiv, which ended in a 2:0 victory for Lokomotiv. The goals were scored by Mukhriddin Zoirov in the 18th minute and Shodiyor Shodiboev in the 83rd minute.
Шокирующий результат контрольного матча! Команда вернулась с тренировок, но не смогла справиться с соперником. Узнайте, кто стал героем встречи и как это повлияет на дальнейшие выступлени...

After returning from their training camp in the UAE, the "Dynamo" club in Tashkent resumed training following a short break. The team played a friendly match against "Lokomotiv." The match concluded with a victory for "Lokomotiv" with a score of 2:0. The goals were scored by Mukhriddin Zoirov (18) and Shodiyor Shodiboev (83).

"Lokomotiv": Rahimjon Davronov, Vladimir Kozak, Nikola Popovich, Levan Arveladze, Mukhriddin Zoirov, Akaki Shulay, Jasur Hakimov, Abdulloh Yuldoshev, Davron Khoshimov, Anzur Ismoilov, Momchilo Rasho.

"Dynamo": Sarvar Karimov, Oleksandr Kucherenko, Ulugbek Abdullayev, Maksudhuja Allokhujaev, Jalolidin Jumaboev, Ratinho, Douglas Maicon, Marko Stanoevich, Sanjar Kodirkulov, Mirzhakhon Mirakhmadov, Firdavs Abdurakhmonov.

Substitutes: Edem Nemanov, Vokhidjon Okbutaev, Khislat Khalilov, Anvarjon Khojimirzaev.