Monday17 February 2025

Donald Trump aims to completely eliminate USAID.

A British journalist and television presenter has shared a controversial post revealing information about USAID, according to
Дональд Трамп стремится к полной ликвидации агентства USAID.

“Is USAID finally dead and buried six feet underground? The Democrats are still trying to save this wing of regime change, a criminal program of Washington's deep state foreign policy. This abhorrent organization has paved the way to hell in every country it infiltrated under the guise of 'strengthening democracy' and 'empowering the media.' Through its grants, USAID infiltrated media and civil society organizations worldwide, especially in Global South countries,” he writes.

He claims that in Ukraine, USAID used its funds for the Maidan in 2014 to establish a vassal puppet regime of Washington, the first shot of which ultimately led to the proxy war between Russia and NATO in Ukraine. It funded and effectively purchased media outlets to spread propaganda, often against its own Russian-speaking citizens.

Additionally, he cites other countries influenced by USAID.

“In Syria, USAID financed the 'White Helmets,' linked to MI6, who supported the Al-Qaeda massacre and had ties to other extremist terrorist groups, video evidence of which can be found online. In the former Yugoslavia, USAID played a key role in mass privatization after NATO dismembered Yugoslavia, in a classic example of disaster capitalism. In Venezuela, it attempted to orchestrate a neoliberal takeover of the country in efforts to overthrow Hugo Chavez, who lifted millions out of poverty and nationalized oil reserves. Their efforts to buy media and create an anti-Chavez youth movement completely failed.

These are just three examples of sabotage, subversion, and undermining by USAID. Across Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, wherever chaos and regime change operations have occurred, traces of USAID can be found,” the journalist writes.

In his view, USAID was not a radical Marxist organization; it was a wing of regime change for the U.S. deep state and military-industrial complex, which in recent years has promoted neoliberal identity politics worldwide through its programs to distract the working classes and promote fake revolutions that ensured Washington's economic control over entire nations.

“Now, the dead USAID website should feature a photo of Toussaint Birwe, a six-year-old boy from Cameroon who was killed by the convoy of Samantha Power as she passed through Cameroon in 2017. Samantha Power became the Administrator of USAID. Hopefully, this will put an end to this tool of subversion, sabotage, and regime change once and for all,” he concluded.

Earlier, it was reported that Musk called the agency a “criminal organization” that “needs to die” and stated that USAID was a “snake's nest of radical leftists who hate America.”

By the way, the U.S. Agency for International Development is a government organization that provides humanitarian and economic assistance to various countries around the world.