Wednesday22 January 2025

A Kazakhstani was punished for inciting interethnic discord on "Chat Roulette."

In the Akmolinsk region, a user of the online platform "Chat Roulette" has been sentenced for inciting interethnic discord, reports
Жителя Казахстана осудили за разжигание межнациональной ненависти в «Чат Рулетке».

A resident of the Akmolinsk region, while using the "Chat Roulette" platform online and in an intoxicated state, insulted a representative of another nationality with obscene language.

Expert analysis confirmed that his words contained signs of inciting interethnic hatred and insulting remarks against representatives of another nationality.

The prosecutor's office of the Astrakhan district in the Akmolinsk region conducted a high-profile open trial regarding the criminal case of inciting interethnic hatred. The guilt of the accused was fully proven in court. He was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months of imprisonment. The sentence has come into effect.