According to him, despite the costly process of laying fiber optic networks, "Kazakhtelecom" has already provided over 2,500 villages with optical technologies and continues to implement them where it is economically viable. However, most remote settlements require alternative technologies, such as NGSO (Non-Geostationary Satellite Systems) and Fixed Wireless Access (FWA).
"Kazakhtelecom" has already begun deploying FWA based on 3GPP architecture, which allows the use of mobile networks for fixed internet access. In 2024, the company will launch such technologies in a hundred villages, providing residents with wireless broadband access.
However, Meirmanov noted that current regulatory norms hinder the use of FWA. Mobile operators face complex rules regarding frequency access and traffic monitoring. Therefore, "Kazakhtelecom" has proposed revising the legislation to simplify the use of FWA technology and accelerate the digitalization process in rural areas.
According to the company's forecasts, about 50% of households in rural areas (approximately 1 million homes and 3.5 million people) will use alternative internet access technologies instead of traditional wired connections.