As of January 7, 2025, the average exchange rate for buying a dollar in Almaty is 529.58 tenge, while the selling rate is 533.61 tenge. The euro is bought for 542.53 tenge and sold for 549.13 tenge. The ruble is purchased at 4.96 tenge and sold at 5.08 tenge.
In Astana, the buying rate for a dollar on this day is 529.98 tenge, and the selling rate is 536.95 tenge. The euro is acquired for 544.81 tenge and sold for 554.92 tenge. The ruble is bought for 5 tenge and sold for 5.15 tenge.
In Shymkent, as of January 7, 2025, the average buying rate for a dollar is 530.58 tenge, and the selling rate is 533.74 tenge. The euro is bought for 542.89 tenge and sold for 549 tenge. The ruble is purchased at 4.98 tenge and sold at 5.11 tenge.