Monday17 February 2025

LLP "Gazpromneft-Kazakhstan" was fined 3 million tenge for underfilling gasoline.

The Department of Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Trade and Integration in Almaty conducted an unscheduled inspection of LLP "Gazpromneft-Kazakhstan Operating Company" based on a complaint from an individual, as reported by
ТОО «Газпромнефть-Казахстан» оштрафовано на 3 млн тенге за недостаточный объем бензина при продаже.

The press service of the Technical Regulation and Metrology Committee of the Ministry of Trade and Integration for the city of Almaty reported that during an unscheduled inspection of LLP "Gazpromneft-Kazakhstan Operating Company," following a complaint from an individual, a shortfall was detected when dispensing AI-95-K4 gasoline through fuel dispenser No. 1 at gas station No. 132.

The inspection was conducted using the standard measuring device M2R-20, which is calibrated and valid until April 24, 2025. The deviation from the norm was found to be 100 ml when dispensing 2 liters of gasoline, exceeding the allowable error limit. During the inspection of fuel dispenser No. 1, it was determined that it did not meet the established standards and was unfit for use.

As a result of the inspection, LLP "Gazpromneft-Kazakhstan Operating Company" was found guilty of violating Article 19 of the Republic of Kazakhstan Law "On Ensuring the Unity of Measurements" and was subjected to an administrative fine of 3.145 million tenge.