This concerns complex financial instruments, such as Global Depositary Receipts (GDR/ADR). These are special securities that confirm ownership of foreign shares. However, buying and selling them comes with specific nuances: these securities may differ from regular shares in terms of voting rights at shareholder meetings, dividend payments, and taxes.
To attain the status of a qualified investor, one must meet one of several criteria: hold a higher education degree in finance or a professional certification (CFA, FRMC, CIIA), have experience in the investment field, possess assets amounting to at least 30 million tenge, or have completed at least 50 successful transactions in the past year. If none of these criteria are met, the broker may suggest testing.
However, even if the test is not passed, the investor can still purchase complex securities by signing a document acknowledging their awareness of the potential risks. The Agency emphasizes that such changes are aimed at protecting inexperienced market participants and enhancing financial literacy among the population.