On November 26, Astana will experience variable cloudiness with no precipitation. The wind will be from the east at 3-8 meters per second. Nighttime temperatures will range from -7 to -9 degrees, while daytime temperatures will be around 0 degrees.
On November 27, expect variable cloudiness with no precipitation. The wind will come from the east at 2-7 meters per second. Nighttime temperatures will be between -10 and -12 degrees, with daytime temperatures ranging from -3 to -5 degrees.
On November 28, there will be variable cloudiness with snow during the day and blowing snow. The wind will be from the east at 5-10 meters per second. Nighttime temperatures will be between -12 and -14 degrees, while daytime temperatures will be around -4 to -6 degrees.
On November 26, Almaty will see variable cloudiness with no precipitation. The wind will be from the east at 2-7 meters per second. Nighttime temperatures will range from -0 to -2 degrees, while daytime temperatures will be between 9 and 11 degrees Celsius.
On November 27 and 28, expect variable cloudiness with no precipitation. The wind will be from the southeast at 2-7 meters per second. Nighttime temperatures will range from -0 to -2 degrees, with daytime temperatures between 10 and 12 degrees Celsius.