Friday14 March 2025

Polygraph testing may be implemented for employees of Kazakhstan's law enforcement agencies.

The General Prosecutor's Office of Kazakhstan is proposing amendments to the regulations governing polygraph examinations within law enforcement agencies, civil defense bodies, and the state courier service, as reported by
В Казахстане может быть введена проверка на полиграф для работников силовых структур.

The decree has been published on the "Open NPA" website until February 14, 2025. The decree proposes to make it mandatory to conduct polygraph tests for employees of law enforcement agencies as part of their certification or competition for higher managerial positions.

Such testing is considered necessary to identify:

hidden negative motives for serving in law enforcement agencies (in the interests of activities of prohibited public associations, criminal and terrorist organizations, and others);

negative dependencies, the use of narcotic, psychotropic, and other psychoactive substances that cause mental and physical addiction;

concealed illnesses that hinder effective service in law enforcement agencies, suicidal tendencies;

concealment of information about income, property, and property obligations, the presence of dual citizenship, use of false documents;

past incidents of corruption offenses, and the transfer of confidential or official information to unauthorized persons;

instances of criminal liability and for committing corruption offenses;

contacts with prohibited public associations, criminal and terrorist organizations, or involvement in commercial structures, if this was not previously part of their job responsibilities;

abuse of official powers.

The validity period of the polygraph testing results is established for candidates for service in law enforcement agencies for one year, and for current employees undergoing checks when promoted to higher managerial positions for three years.

The decree specifies that the information obtained during the examination is advisory in nature and serves as auxiliary for personnel and certification commissions, as well as the internal security service.