Thursday23 January 2025

Senate: Currently, no driving school in the Surkhandarya region holds a license.

Today, no driving school in the Surkhandarya region holds a license, as stated in a report from the Senate of the Oliy Majlis. Although in...
Сенат: на сегодняшний день ни одна автошкола в Сурхандарьинской области не обладает лицензией.

Currently, no driving schools in the Surkhandarya region hold a license, as stated in a message from the Senate of the Oliy Majlis.

According to the law "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan," the authority to license activities related to the training and retraining of drivers of motor vehicles and urban electric transport has been transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Senate notes that prior to the transfer of licensing authority to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there were 48 licensed entities operating in the Surkhandarya region that provided driver training. In 2023 alone, they trained 18,641 drivers. Currently, no driver training is taking place due to unresolved licensing issues with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Additionally, the examination process for prospective drivers has been suspended because the driving ranges in the Surkhandarya region do not meet the requirements set forth in the Cabinet of Ministers' Resolution No. 272 dated May 4, 2021, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs' Order No. 27 dated January 18, 2024.

As a result, citizens who previously attended driving schools or needed to retake their exams to obtain a driver's license are compelled to travel to the Kashkadarya region for testing, which has understandably drawn complaints from the public, as stated by the Senate.

“The Senate Committee on Judicial and Legal Affairs and Anti-Corruption has sent a senator's request for justified clarifications regarding the measures being taken to address issues related to the licensing of driving schools for the training and retraining of vehicle drivers, the establishment of a driving range in the Surkhandarya region for conducting exams, the development of children's skills in traffic rules, and the plans of the Road Safety Service,” the Senate concluded.

The results of the senator's request will be published on the official Senate website.