Monday17 February 2025

The Center of Islamic Civilization symbolizes national identity, knowledge, education, and culture.

On January 29, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev was briefed on the constructive activities taking place at the Center for Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan.
Центр исламской цивилизации олицетворяет национальное самосознание, науку, образование и культуру.

On January 29, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev reviewed the constructive work being carried out at the Center for Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan.


This unique project has no analogs in the history of our country. Today, the majestic building has already been constructed, and the construction is in its final stages.

The Center is being built in accordance with the presidential decree dated June 23, 2017. On the day of the Ramadan Khait holiday in 2018, the first stone was laid by our head of state.

The impressive structure of the center comprises three floors and is designed in the style of ancient architectural monuments. The traditional dome and facade, along with the unique combination of national ornaments, bestow upon it special beauty and grandeur. Portals rising 34 meters high have been erected on all four sides of the complex, with a dome soaring to 65 meters in the center.

The heart of the center will be the Quran Hall. Here, the invaluable relic of the Islamic world – the ancient Mushaf of Usman – will be housed. Copies of the holy book from the periods of the Samanids, Qarakhanids, Khorezmshahs, Uzbek Khan, Timurids, and other historical dynasties will also be displayed, along with translations into the old Uzbek language and rare manuscript copies of the Quran from around the world.

– Many books, ancient manuscripts, unique information, and works of art related to our rich and distinctive heritage have been scattered across various countries and remained unknown to us for a long time. Thanks to this center, we have made significant strides in studying history and discovered new sources. However, it is now important not just to preserve them as monuments of the past but to bring them into active scientific circulation, making them accessible to our citizens, especially the youth, and to broadly present them to the global community. This center should not only be a custodian of history but also an intellectual space connecting the past, present, and future, defining key directions for our development, – emphasized Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

Sections such as "Pre-Islamic Civilizations," "The Era of the First Renaissance," "The Era of the Second Renaissance," "Uzbekistan in the 20th Century," and "New Uzbekistan – New Renaissance" will be organized within the complex. The President paid special attention to their scientific concepts and the conditions created.

The history of these periods will be presented through various artifacts, manuscript sources, photographs, and multimedia technologies. A special emphasis is placed on the multifaceted activities of scholars and thinkers such as Al-Khwarizmi, Al-Fergani, Al-Farabi, Al-Biruni, Ibn Sina, Mahmud Zamakhshari, Mirzo Ulughbek, Alisher Navoi, Ali Kushchi, and others. The contributions of outstanding thinkers like Imam Bukhari, Imam Tirmidhi, Hakim Tirmidhi, Abu Mansur Maturidi, Abu Muin Nasafi, Kaffol Shashi, Abdulhalik Gijduvani, Najmiddin Kubra, Burhaniddin Margiloni, Bahauddin Naqshband, Khoja Akhror Vali, to the development of Islamic enlightenment will be thoroughly highlighted.

Furthermore, a separate section dedicated to remarkable women of the past – Bibikhanum, Khonzodabegim, Gavkharshodbegim, Gulbadan, Nodirabegim, Uvaisi, Anbar atin, who patronized sciences and arts, will be created. This exhibition will serve as an inspiring example for modern girls.

The head of state noted the significance and objectives of the center.

– At the core of Islamic civilization and teachings have always been science, culture, education, and upbringing. These values are the foundation of the center we are creating. Its main goal is to unite in one place the millennia-old heritage of Islamic culture associated with our country. Anyone who visits this center will be able to witness the grandeur of this history, understand that Islam is primarily a religion of peace, progress, and tolerance, and gain a deeper understanding of the outstanding contribution of the Uzbek people to world civilization, – stated the President.

In this regard, it was emphasized that it is essential to deeply study the legacy of great ancestors and transform it into a living force capable of responding to contemporary challenges. It is important to scientifically and methodologically coordinate the activities of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, research centers named after Imam Bukhari, Imam Tirmidhi, Imam Maturidi, and other scientific and educational institutions. Joint efforts must be made to develop scientific responses to pressing challenges and to combat ignorance through enlightenment.

– In the future, this center will become a symbol of our architectural school, the scientific and spiritual potential of New Uzbekistan. Each of its sections should carry profound meaning and reflect this mission. Cooperation with leading foreign museums, libraries, and authoritative specialists has already been established, and scientific works and books are being published. However, it is crucial that this work is systematic and scientifically grounded. Our main goal is to realize and promote our national identity, – emphasized the head of state.

The center actively collaborates with leading international scientific organizations, including UNESCO and ICESCO. In August 2024, the VIII International Congress on the theme "The Heritage of Great Ancestors – the Foundation of the Third Renaissance" will be held in Tashkent and Samarkand, gathering around 200 scholars from 35 countries. During the event, valuable proposals for the further development of the center were put forward.

After familiarizing himself with the construction progress and the concept of the future exhibition, the President gave specific instructions regarding the organization of the center's work, its substantive content, and further improvement.

The head of state also reviewed a presentation dedicated to the development of the capital's tourist potential.

Currently, numerous large-scale tourist projects are being implemented in various districts of Tashkent. In the Bektemir, Mirzo Ulughbek, Mirabad, Yunusabad, Yakkasaray, and Yangihayat districts, dozens of tourist facilities operating 24/7 are being established.

The old town of Tashkent holds special historical value and attracts foreign tourists year-round. As a result, it is actively developing as a specialized tourist cluster. In particular, last year, a themed tourist street was created in the Gulbozor neighborhood, located near the Chorsu market. Large-scale work is underway to improve the Abdullah Qadiri Cultural and Recreation Park.

In the near future, gastronomic and tourist streets are planned to be created in the Almazar district. Within the framework of the project, 17 streets and 32 alleys have been selected where additional tourist infrastructure will be developed while preserving the unique architectural appearance of the Old Town.

These transformations are expected to increase the number of entrepreneurs in the area by 250 and create 1,500 new jobs. Most importantly, the daily tourist flow is anticipated to grow from 4,000 to 11,000 people.

The President instructed responsible officials to take additional measures to expand opportunities for entrepreneurs and artisans, as well as to organize tourist routes that will make travels through the capital even more enriching and exciting.