Tuesday03 December 2024

Kazakhstan has initiated early funding for the spring fieldwork and harvesting activities planned for 2025.

At the direction of the Prime Minister, early funding has commenced in Kazakhstan for the spring field and harvesting activities of 2025, as reported by Bizmedia.kz.
В Казахстане стартовало раннее финансирование весенне-полевых и уборочных работ на 2025 год.

The head of state recently highlighted at the agroforum that the agro-industrial complex is one of the key drivers of economic growth.

As part of the execution of the President's directive, up to 700 billion tenge will be allocated for spring fieldwork and harvesting in 2025, with approximately 560 billion tenge to be sourced from market capital.

The Joint Stock Company "Agricultural Credit Corporation" has already initiated funding under the "Kең дала 2" program with a preferential interest rate set at 5% per annum.

To date, 684 applications have been received from agricultural producers totaling around 82 billion tenge, with 176 applications already accepted for processing, while document collection is underway for another 509 applications amounting to 59.9 billion tenge.

The highest number of applications has come from farmers in the North Kazakhstan and Kostanay regions.

The government is implementing a comprehensive set of measures to achieve the goals for the development of the agro-industrial complex.

For the first time, funding has commenced well before the spring fieldwork and harvesting season. This will enable farmers to purchase seeds and fertilizers in advance, prepare equipment, and effectively carry out all necessary activities. Thanks to the measures taken by the government, farmers will receive financial support promptly under the most favorable conditions.

The number of financial institutions available for both loan applications and subsequent repayments has been increased. Funding will be accessible through second-tier banks, credit cooperatives, social entrepreneurship corporations, and the Agricultural Credit Corporation.

To address the concerns raised by entrepreneurs regarding the lack of collateral, 85% of the loan amount under the "Keң дала 2" program is guaranteed by the Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu."