The Program of Measures for the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Mahmudkhodja Behbudi will be approved.
The program will place special emphasis on the following issues, including:
- the preparation for the publication and release of a collection titled "Selected Works" by the writer, as well as popular science books dedicated to his life and activities;
- staging performances about Mahmudkhodja Behbudi and organizing a mass screening of the previously created TV series "Mahmudkhodja Behbudi" and the artistic and journalistic film from the series "Khalq Yuragi";
- conducting and appropriately rewarding the winners of the essay contest on the topic "Lessons from Mahmudkhodja Behbudi" among students of secondary general and creative schools, cadets of the "Temurbeklar Makhtabi," and students of higher educational institutions;
- organizing an international scientific and practical conference in October 2025 titled "Current Issues in the Study of Mahmudkhodja Behbudi's Legacy and the Jadid Movement";
- holding a solemn literary and educational evening in November 2025 in memory of the 150th anniversary of Mahmudkhodja Behbudi's birth.