Wednesday05 February 2025

Uzbekistan is expecting partly cloudy skies on January 10th.

On January 10, Uzbekistan is expected to experience variable cloudiness and predominantly dry weather. In Tashkent, no precipitation is forecasted, although there may be...
В Узбекистане ожидается переменная облачность 10 января.

On January 10, Uzbekistan is expected to experience variable cloudiness and predominantly dry weather. In Tashkent, no precipitation is forecasted, with possible fog during the night and morning. The wind will be from the east at a speed of 3–8 m/s. The air temperature will range from -2 to -4 degrees at night, rising to 5–7 degrees during the day.

In the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the Khorezm region, similar weather conditions will persist: no precipitation, with fog possible in some areas. The wind will be easterly, blowing at 7–12 m/s. Nighttime temperatures will drop to -5…-10 degrees, while daytime temperatures will be between 0…+5 degrees.

In the Bukhara and Navoi regions, there will also be variable cloudiness without precipitation. Winds will be easterly at 7–12 m/s. Nighttime temperatures will range from -2…-7 degrees, while daytime temperatures will warm up to +3…+8 degrees.

In the Tashkent, Samarkand, Jizzakh, and Syrdarya regions, dry conditions with possible fog are expected. The wind will be easterly at 7–12 m/s. Nighttime temperatures will be between -2…-7 degrees, and during the day, they will reach +2…+7 degrees.

In the Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions, there will be no precipitation. Nighttime temperatures will be -0…-5 degrees, and daytime temperatures will range from +4…+9 degrees, with easterly winds at 7–12 m/s.

In the Andijan, Namangan, and Fergana regions, dry weather will also continue. Nighttime temperatures will drop to -2…-7 degrees, while daytime temperatures will vary from -3 to +2 degrees.

In the mountainous areas of the republic, there will be variable cloudiness with no precipitation. Nighttime temperatures are expected to be between -5…-10 degrees, and daytime temperatures will range from 0…+5 degrees.