Ticket prices for business class and VIP on Afrosiyob trains will increase by 25%, while economy class fares will rise by 20%. For the high-speed passenger trains "Shark," "Nasaf," and "Uzbekistan," rates will be raised by 30%.
The ticket prices for high-speed electric trains Afrosiyob will be as follows:
Tashkent – Bukhara:
VIP – 994,000 sums;
Business – 751,000 sums;
Economy – 484,000 sums.
Tashkent – Karshi:
VIP – 854,000 sums;
Business – 634,000 sums;
Economy – 406,000 sums.
Tashkent – Samarkand:
VIP – 619,000 sums;
Business – 450,000 sums;
Economy – 294,000 sums.
The press service of "Uzbekistan Railways" reported that the price increase is associated with the improvement of railway infrastructure and the modernization of passenger car fleets. It is also aimed at purchasing new electric trains, upgrading stations, and enhancing the quality of passenger services.