Friday27 December 2024

In the Fergana region, fireworks worth 71 million sums were confiscated.

Employees of the customs offices in the Syrdarya and Fergana regions, in collaboration with law enforcement agencies, conducted an operation to curb the illegal trade of pyrotechnics...
В Ферганской области конфисковано пиротехнических изделий на 71 миллион сумов.

Employees of the customs offices of the Syrdarya and Fergana regions, in collaboration with law enforcement agencies, conducted an operation to combat the illegal trade of pyrotechnics in the Dangara district.

During the inspection of a "Spark" vehicle, which was stopped in the area, 85,856 units of pyrotechnic products of three types, manufactured abroad, were discovered. The total value of the seized products amounted to 71 million sums.

Currently, preliminary investigative activities are being carried out in this case.