I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday.
Dear employees of the internal affairs system!
Officers and generals, sergeants and privates!
Dear veterans!
I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday.
On this joyous day, we once again express our gratitude for your immense contributions to strengthening peace and stability, tranquility in the country, combating crime, and preventing offenses.
Today, based on the principle of "All reforms are for the sake of the person, ensuring his interests and well-being," significant work is underway to create decent working and living conditions for our citizens, enhance their well-being, and raise Uzbekistan's authority on the international stage.
Undoubtedly, our efforts aimed at improving the activities of internal affairs agencies and transforming them into a truly people's professional structure serving the interests of their country and people are of great importance.
It should be noted that in recent years, important results have been achieved in creating an atmosphere of safety, peace, and tranquility in all mahallas, as well as implementing advanced practices in this area in the regions.
For instance, based on the experience of the "Istiklol" mahalla in the Khiva district, complete digitalization of preventive work has been carried out in 314 mahallas with a complicated criminal situation. The experience of the city of Namangan in maintaining public order in mahallas has also proven effective—by uniting adjacent mahallas with challenging criminal conditions into micro-areas to introduce new working methods.
A comprehensive set of measures is being implemented to create a safe environment through the extensive use of modern digital technologies and technical means in the activities of prevention inspectors, probation officers, and patrol services, as well as enhancing employees' knowledge levels. In particular, in the mahallas of the Bukhara region, as an experiment, the practice of using small drones has been introduced to prevent offenses in public places.
Most importantly, to ensure the healthy development of the younger generation and its prosperous future, we have adopted and are actively implementing a national strategy aimed at preventing drug addiction, fostering a strong immunity against it among youth, and curtailing the illegal drug trade, especially its distribution via the internet.
As a result of the reforms, approaches to crime prevention have fundamentally changed. A system of social prevention and social-legal mechanisms has been established, aimed at timely identification by prevention inspectors of citizens who may become potential offenders or victims, as well as effectively addressing relevant household issues by mahalla structures. To develop proposals for identifying, systematizing, and eliminating negative factors and trends related to crime, the Research Institute of Criminology of Uzbekistan has commenced operations within the Ministry of Internal Affairs based on comprehensive scientific approaches.
It is noteworthy that the reforms being conducted in the republic to strengthen peace and tranquility in society and their outcomes are receiving international recognition. According to the ranking by the Institute for Economics and Peace in the UK, Uzbekistan became the safest country among 121 nations last year. Such achievements certainly bring us joy and simultaneously impose great responsibility.
Dear friends!
We constantly focus on issues related to enhancing the professionalism of the employees in the system and strengthening their social-legal protection. Decent service and living conditions are being created for them, especially for those serving in remote areas and mahallas, as well as in regions with challenging criminal situations.
You certainly understand well that today, in an era of rapid progress, organizing the daily work of internal affairs agencies based on innovative approaches, digital technologies, and scientific advancements is a crucial factor in further strengthening law and order in the country.
Therefore, we will consistently continue large-scale reforms and modernization within the system. It is essential to apply effective mechanisms to combat new types of crimes and offenses committed using information tools, conduct targeted crime-fighting in mahallas with a "red" criminality category based on scientific approaches, and improve the quality of investigations, instilling a firm confidence in the population regarding their fairness.
In short, our people must certainly feel the practical results of the reforms in the internal affairs system in their daily lives.
Dear employees of the sphere!
I express my sincere gratitude to you for your loyalty to your professional duty and oath, and your selfless service to the Motherland and people.
Undoubtedly, worthy stimulation of your challenging and honorable work will continue to be at the forefront of our state's and society's attention.
On this festive day, we honor the memory of brave and courageous employees who gave their lives for peace and tranquility in the country, and we extend our warmest wishes to their families and children.
Once again, I congratulate all of you on the Day of Employees of the Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, wishing you success in your responsible duties, good health, happiness, and well-being for your families.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev,
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan